Apply or donate to the Kimi Worrell Fund
ACAT administers the Kimi Worrell Fund, which supports safe climbing access in New Zealand. Kimi tragically passed away in 2018 when a fixed line she was using to access a rap station snapped.
ACAT administers the Kimi Worrell Fund, which supports safe climbing access in New Zealand. Kimi tragically passed away in 2018 when a fixed line she was using to access a rap station snapped.
The Kimi Worrell Fund was set up by Kimi’s close friends and family with funds raised from the climbing community. The fund aims to replace perishable and unsafe gear around the country to prevent similar accidents from happening in future. Please consider making a donation to keep Kimi's legacy alive, using the donation box on this page.

Applying for a grant
To apply for a grant from the Kimi Worrell Fund, please read the criteria below, then complete and submit the application form.
What we cover
The Kimi Worrell Fund supports replacement of substandard bolts, anchors, rap stations, and fixed lines, plus installation of new fixed safety gear where appropriate.
- Each grant application will be considered on an individual basis. Some of the factors that we will consider are the perceived danger of the reported hazard, the level of traffic to the area and the effectiveness of the proposed solution.
- Grants will not be provided for new route development – please see NZAC’s Bolting Fund for assistance.
- Retrobolting traditional or mixed routes which have adequate protection is not supported. If you intend to add bolts to an existing route, you must satisfy ACAT that a consensus agreement has been reached between yourself, the first ascensionist and the wider climbing community that such action is appropriate.
- For significant (eg crag-wide) re-bolting work, priority will be given to applications where you are undertaking additional fundraising efforts.
When to apply for a grant
You must apply before carrying out any work. We cannot guarantee that your application will result in a grant being given.
You can make an application even if you are unable to fix or address the issue yourself. We may be able to find someone else who can help implement a solution.
Conditions of grants
- Successful applicants must read, understand and adhere to the NZAC Bolting Philosophy and Standards and the NZAC Code of Conduct.
- ACAT will usually supply equipment rather than cash (especially bolts, hangers and anchors). You must supply a full itemised quote from a supplier for any other materials.
- Fixed access lines should be replaced with hardware (chain or steel cable) or a redundant system (e.g. two-strand static rope plus edge protection).
- Successful applicants must provide information about the completed gear installations to ACAT.
- Any unused equipment supplied by the Kimi Worrell Fund must be returned to ACAT.
If you’re unsure about the best safety solution, send us an application and we can discuss it.