Incremental progress at Mangorewa Gorge

Over the past six months ACAT has been regularly following up with DOC officers to check in on progress and offer our support and expertise.

This is an active negotiation and that means there is a lot we can’t say about discussions behind the scenes. What we can say is below. Please respect the sensitivity of this matter and the need for discretion when posting on social media.

Hiker with pack approaches a cliff reflected in Mangorewa river

Approaching River Wall at Mangorewa Gorge. Photo: Cameron Fraser.

In August 2024 we reported there were some signs of progress on climbing at Mangorewa Gorge. The crag is a top priority for ACAT and we have been doing everything within our power to push this along.

DOC have been engaging with the Tapuika Iwi Authority to organise a hīkoi for all interested parties to visit the crag area. We hoped this would occur last year but are still waiting for it come together.

In the meantime, DOC has confirmed that they have started work on a draft Community Agreement regarding climbing at the Gorge, to help progress the discussion. This will need to be reviewed by Tapuika representatives but is a step in the right direction, and we are actively supporting this process.

We have also been engaging with the Rotorua Climbing Club and local developers behind the scenes. We need to ensure the right structure is in place to enable local climbers to manage the crag long-term in accordance with the Agreement (once it’s complete) and maintain positive relationships with DOC and Tapuika. While ACAT can help to negotiate and deal with the complexities of resolving these issues when they come to a head, local climbing communities are best placed to manage crags and relationships long-term.

Rotorua and Tauranga are fortunate to have an active community of competent, engaged climbers and developers who care deeply about Mangorewa – this is a huge factor that increases our chances of finding a sustainable solution.

We’ll post another update as soon as we have more to report – in the meantime the crag remains CLOSED. Thank you for your patience.