Tags: Mangorewa Gorge

AccessBay of PlentyMangorewa Gorge
Over the past six months ACAT has been regularly following up with DOC officers to check in on progress and offer our support and expertise. This is an active negotiation and that means there is a lot we can’t say about discussions behind the scenes. What we can say is below. Please respect the sensitivity of this matter and the need for...
AccessBay of PlentyMangorewa Gorge
ACAT has been working closely with climbers, Rotorua Climbing Club, DOC, Tapuika iwi, and the Outdoor Access Commission over the past year, and we are now seeing signs of progress. Mangōrewa has been a top priority for ACAT since DOC investigated the crag last year. We have put a lot of work into discussions with DOC and Tapuika iwi to address...
AccessBay of PlentyMangorewa Gorge
ACAT and the Rotorua Climbing Club are consulting with DOC and iwi about the future of the crag. Key details:  Please consider Mangorewa Gorge crag CLOSED and refrain from climbing there until further notice.  The access track to the river remains open for walking and swimming purposes. Note that this track crosses private land...